Barbara Houlding MScVetPhys; MCSP; GradDipPhys; FIRVAP: MRAMP

Chartered Physiotherapist, Veterinary Physiotherapist , Canine Hydrotherapist Specialist and Accredited Clinical Educator

My journey in physiotherapy started in the 1970’s and as a qualified Chartered Physiotherapist in 1982 I was so fortunate and grateful to have fantastic support and mentoring in place whilst working in the NHS for fourteen years.

Moving into private practice specialising in a range of areas, including hydrotherapy, paediatrics, neuro-musculoskeletal, orthopaedics and mental health was my next step, as I explored the possibilities of uniting my great passions of physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and dogs. This was unheard of in those days and to be honest my colleagues found it shocking that I would consider jeopardising my established human professional status for dogs!

I decided to go back to college and applied for the world’s first Masters course in Veterinary Physiotherapy at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC), London. Completing my postgraduate studies was just the start and achieving a Masters degree in Veterinary Physiotherapy in 2002 was an amazing platform to move forwards from.

My focus on education and training, alongside my role as a clinician has been a part of my career since the 1980’s, As an approved Training Provider for K9HS Courses, we aim to offer the very best experiences and opportunities to advance canine clinical skills, supported by a sound scientific knowledge base.

If you are a therapist passionate about working with dogs, no matter where you are on your career journey, then we have a CPD course perfect for you.

My canine **clinical practice was based at K9HS, Suffolk since 2009, offering an integrated service of canine physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and rehabilitation. As solution makers for complex cases with movement dysfunction, our passion is to provide the very best canine service possible, embracing an holistic and dog centred approach and owner focused practice ethos.

As the first UK Accredited Clinical Educator in veterinary physiotherapy (awarded by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy), my perspective and practice ethos combines over 30 years of lecturing experience with extensive clinical skills, to develop a series of exciting, interactive and dynamic training opportunities provided by K9HS Courses.

Lecturing Portfolio

This includes posts for ten years at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC), London, four years at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science at the University of Nottingham and two years with the ACPAT Core Knowledge and Skills (CK&S) Course.

I love the challenge of devising and writing courses, delivering training and creating innovative and enriched clinical assessment strategies, especially when its about my favourite topics of canine physiotherapy and hydrotherapy.

K9HS Courses Home page .png

K9HS Courses focus on sharing a range of proven clinical skills, including Canine Movement Enrichment techniques (Canine Therapeutic Handling and Canine Clinic Enrichment techniques). These are based on a clinical concept and method we first introduced by into the RVC Masters Veterinary Physiotherapy programme in 2004 and have evolved into a set of therapeutic canine skills that work with each dog and offer a very high value proprioceptive rating, so significantly improve canine balance, movement quality and functional abilities, compared to other lower value techniques.