In Conversation

A very warm welcome to you all, the IRVAP Membership.

IRVAP Council Officers;

Deborah: Vice Chair and Treasurer

Ellie: Membership Secretary

Grainne: Chair of IEH and PR / Advertising

Michelle: Communication & PR Officer

Avril: Mentor & Support Scheme

Sarah: MemberSpace Manager

The video recording from our IRVAP Zoom Meeting on 9th December 2020 is below and is uploaded into your Professional Matters Hub in the MemberSpace Members Area.

This event has a dual purpose;

  1. To update you with the latest Covid information from the RCVS
  2. To clarify the recent advice in our industry from one of the voluntary regulatory bodies; RAMP. This follows their meetings with the RCVS since June 2020 and is about their advice

It's a chance for you to raise your queries and concerns as you establish your professional decisions for your animal therapy services.